Mon, 20 September 2021
OFI 1183: The Wisdom Of Generations And Growing Responsibilities | FFA SAE Edition | Ethan Buck | Rossville High School FFA
Ethan Buck is a finalist for the American Star in Agricultural Placement this year. And, this did not just happen overnight. Actually, it all started during the Great Depression. During that difficult time in American History, Ethan's great-grandfather moved from Illinois to Indiana and started the farming operation that Ethan has been so heavily involved in. Fifty years later, during another difficult time for farmers in the U.S., Ethan's grandfather added a 4,500 head, wean to finish hog operation as a hedge against low commodity prices. Today, Ethan works on this farm with his grandparents and parents. Ethan is an American Star Finalist, a college student studying agribusiness and the future of this farming legacy that was started during the Great Depression. After graduation, Ethan will go into the world and be off of the farm for some time, but when his grandparents (who are in their 80's) decide to take a step back, he will be coming home to take his place on this multi-generational farm.
Direct download: Off_Farm_Income--Episode_1183_Ethan_Buck-090221.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |