Mon, 17 January 2022
OFI 1283: Finding Your Purpose On Earth In A Corn Field | FFA SAE Edition | Mackenzie Henning | Jackson County Central High School FFA
Mackenzie Henning is a natural born seed breeder. You might not think such a person exists, but I am here to tell you that they do. Mackenzie grew up around agriculture and farming in typical, Upper Mid-West crop rotation of corn, wheat and soybeans. However, about five years ago her parents made a change and started growing seed corn. This led Mackenzie into a summer job de-tasseling corn stalks and it introduced her to the genetics of developing varieties of corn. In her sophomore year of high school Mackenzie took a biology class and started learning about genetics and the science of plant breeding and her purpose appeared before her. Since that time Mackenzie has been on a one-way road that is leading to a career in seed breeding. She has advanced higher and higher in the company that she began with all those year ago as just a summer job, and her responsibilities increased each summer as well. Now she is studying biotechnology and agricultural science at South Dakota State University, and she knows that she will be heading into graduate school after her bachelor's degree. She has her eyes fixed on being a seed breeder.
Direct download: Off_Farm_Income--Episode_1283_Mackenzie_Henning-121821.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 10:23am MDT |