Off-Farm Income

The last piece of media I took in last night before bed was the weather report.  My favorite meteorologist predicted that the rain we were receiving would turn to snow over night but that little to no accumulation would occur.  She did give the caveat that if snow were to stick it would have to be from a very fast and heavy snowfall, which was very unlikely.

The first thing I heard this morning was my wife on the telephone receiving a call notifying her that her school district was taking a snow day today because of the heavy snowfall over night and the horrible road conditions!  I went outside to feed and found four inches of very wet and heavy snow.  And for a weather dork like me, that is a very happy surprise!


Direct download: OFI_1566_Tuesday_episode_-_121222_3.39_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MST