Off-Farm Income

Levi Smuin is a 2022 National Proficiency Finalist in the category of Ag Mechanics Repair & Maintenance, and is also from my home state of Idaho!  Levi began his journey in the FFA during his sophomore year in high school.  About one year prior to that he had started working for Rounds Farms & Trucking in Rigby, Idaho.  This has led to a progression of responsibility on the farm and in the trucking business, and it was a natural fit for his placement SAE.

During our interview Levi talked about how important writing the narratives on his proficiency applications were.  When I asked him more about that he talked about the method he used, which was a peer review type method with his fellow FFA students.  He would write something, and then he would have his writing assessed by his classmates.  When they finished preparing the narrative his advisors would look it over and possibly make suggestions.  Then the process would start over again.  I really liked this approach, as you can see that every member in that chapter has a little part in Levi becoming a National Proficiency Finalist!

Direct download: Levi_Smuin_Episode_1559_-_111522_1.32_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT