Fri, 31 March 2023
Other than 5 or so years in the Air Force, Keith Pearson, has lived and farmed in Tomah, Wisconsin for his entire life. However, in 2015 the stress, long days and physical labor of farming was catching up with Keith and he decided to retire. As a result he sold 1090 acres of his 1100 acre farm and went to work in town to keep himself busy. However, a city job was not the right fit for Keith, and as life happened that became more apparent. So, Keith decided that in order to stay busy he was going to start his own business. Keith missed being in the seat of a tractor in the spring and smelling the soil as it was newly turned over. So, he found a way to do that and have a business. Pearson Custom Tilling was born. Today, Keith is busy from the beginning of spring planting season until the end of September tilling people's gardens, plowing people's land, seeding deer plots or mowing acreages. This side business gives him the ability to work on restoring Allis Chalmers Tractors over the winter, and bringing their life and luster back. Keith is a farmer through and through, and now he gets to share all of that knowledge with his neighbors and the new people moving in around him with visions of farming and sustainability.
Direct download: Keith_Pearson_Episode_1667_-_3623_2.03_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 30 March 2023
There is something about the smell of dirt that moves some people to action. On tomorrow's ag business episode I am profiling a farmer who retired, sold his land and took a day job in town. However, after a year of that he missed the smell of freshly turned Earth, especially in the spring time. So, he started a tilling business and is thriving. For today's re-cap episode I want to go back to episode #54 that featured Larry Hildebrant. He had a custom rototilling business, and he was also driven by working the soil. In Larry's case he even did some of his tilling for free, depending on the situation for the customer. Larry's interview is a perfect re-cap episode to lead us into tomorrow's ag business episode.
Direct download: OFI_1666_Replay_of_054_-_32723_9.12_AM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Wed, 29 March 2023
OFI 1665: Farming & Raising What Nobody Else Wants | FFA SAE Edition | Aidan Yoho | Yates Center High School FFA
Aidan Yoho is the 2022 State Star Farmer of Kansas FFA and the State Secretary. He will hold both of those titles until July of 2023. But back in July of 2022, Aidan was simply an FFA Member from Yates Center, Kansas who was attending his state convention and who had thrown his hat in the ring in these two categories. As it turned out, state star farmer and the state officer team were both announced during the same session of the state convention. So, within 20 minutes of Aidan's life he went from not holding either of these titles to holding both! So, where did this all start for him. It started with a passion for farming that still exists on Aidan's land today, his great-grandfather. Aidan's great-grandfather started farming with his brother on leased ground over 50 years ago. Today, Aidan farms with his father and his great-grandfather, but unfortunately his grandfather passed away in 2021. Being able to work with and learn from this great-grandfather has taught Aidan many valuable lessons about being successful in agriculture. One of those lessons is that there is money to be made doing things that nobody else wants to do. Aidan listened to this advice, and that is how he got his start. Both in cattle and forage production, he applied the same philosophy. Aidan started out purchasing dairy cross calves that needed to be dehorned because they were cheap and not many people wanted them. He also identified problem areas on the farm that nobody wanted to mess with and started growing hay on them. Today that has developed into an operation that allows Aidan to farm the more desirable hay ground and to purchase better cattle that end up making him more money in the long run. He has his sights set on returning to the family farm and running it when the time is right, but for now he is giving his full focus to making a run at being the American Star Farmer in a couple of years!
Tue, 28 March 2023
Today is a true farm update episode after a couple of weeks of going topical on Tuesdays. We will be discussing:
More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1664_Tuesday_Episode_-_32723_9.24_AM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Mon, 27 March 2023
OFI 1663: An FFA Advisor In Training | FFA SAE Edition | Makenzie McDaniel | Flowing Wells High School FFA
Makenzie McDaniel is a senior at Flowing Wells High School in Tucson, Arizona, and she is the "student advisor" member of her FFA Chapter's Officer Team. Makenzie has her sights set on becoming an ag teacher and FFA Advisor herself, and this role on the officer team suits that pursuit perfectly. In this role, Makenzie watches how her fellow chapter members are progressing, sees what they need help with and is there to answer questions. When one of them is stumbling or has questions, she is there to assist, but without taking over, just by advising. It takes a lot of maturity to know how to advise without completely taking over the show, an Makenzie is already there. In addition to her role on the officer team, Makenzie raises a market steer and market goat for the county fair, and she keeps them at the school's facility. This allows her and students who don't have land to raise animals and get that real world experience. Makenzie has applied to attend the Univeristy of Arizona, right there in Tucson, to study ag education. And, in about 5 years, I am hoping to be interviewing one of Makenzie's FFA students!
Direct download: Makenzie_McDaniel_Episode_1663_-_22723_11.40_AM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sun, 26 March 2023
For Information Like Degrees Offered, Annual Costs, Etc., Please Click The Banner Below:The Agricultural College Episode is designed to profile agricultural trade schools, junior colleges, colleges and universities around the U.S. This episode is an effort to replicate the conversation that prospective students, parents and ag teachers might have with agricultural schools at trade show like the National FFA Convention. Tarleton State University is located in beautiful Stephenville, Texas (one of my favorite places in the entire Lonestar State!). For ag students Tarleton State University boasts a 700 acre ag facility including livestock processing, ag fabrication and a retail outlet for the general public. Stephenville has a population of just 22,000 residents but is within an hour of a major airport in Dallas/Fort Worth. The Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dr. Barry Lambert, joins me today to talk all about Tarleton State University. More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: Tarleton_State_University_Episode_1662_-_12623_3.15_PM.mp3
Category:Agricultural Colleges -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sat, 25 March 2023
Tip Of The Week Defensible Space Rural Crime In The U.S.ʻi-island-police-be-on-the-lookout-for-a-stolen-tractor/ Across The Pond, Down Under And Up Above Africa Chalk One Up For The Good Guys (Originally reported on this in February) More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1661_Rural_Crime_-_32423_10.41_AM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 24 March 2023
Kent and Shannon Rollins are the force behind teaching the world how to cook like a cowboy. On their YouTube Channel, "Kent Rollins Cowboy Cooking" and their new book, "Comfort Food The Cowboy Way", they share the wisdom, weather and recipes of the American West. This all started somewhere around 1983 when Kent started cooking for an outfitter in a New Mexico elk camp. But really, it started much earlier than that when Kent was a kid and in his later years of being a ranch hand. At some point he traded in the branding iron for the cast iron, and he went to work making sure that cowboys were well fed before and after their long days in the saddle. There are some traditions of the American West that are thought to be gone, that still exist. Cooking for cowboys on the range from a chuck wagon is one of those. In Kent and Shannon's book you get a glimpse of this tradition through the incredible photos that Shannon has taken while they are on ranches cooking. And in Kent's words, he captures the impact of the weather and how the right meal can ease the burden of facing the harshness of Mother Nature from the saddle all day.
Direct download: Kent_Rollins_Episode_1660_-_31623_3.09_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 23 March 2023
OFI 1659: How To Get Your Own Television Segment In High School | FFA SAE Edition | Elisabeth Watkins | Central Catholic High School FFA | Re-Cap Episode
Elisabeth Watkins was a guest on the Off-Farm Income Podcast in 2018. At that time she was an FFA student at Central Catholic High School in Modesto, California. Amazingly, Elisabeth was already a television cooking personality at that point. She had taken her love for cooking and agriculture, combined them inside and outside the FFA and taken them to incredible heights. She won her way onto a teen cooking challenge television show in New York City while still in high school, came away the winner and that propelled her to many different opportunities. On tomorrow's Ag Business Episode I am profiling a chef and his new cookbook. Going back to what Elisabeth was able to do and continues to do with her culinary skills is the perfect tie in for tomorrow's show, and I am happy to replay her episode again today.
Direct download: OFI_1659_Replay_Of_452_Elisabeth_Watkins_-_32223_3.35_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Wed, 22 March 2023
OFI 1658: Finding, Repairing And Re-Selling Equipment | FFA SAE Edition | Wyatt Black | Miami East High School FFA
Wyatt Black is a sophomore in high school and is already mastering the art of adding value and finding profit. Wyatt has grown up with and around agriculture on his families small farm near Casstown, Ohio. As a member of the Miami East FFA Chapter, he needed to develop an SAE. That was no problem because he and his father had already been finding, repairing and re-selling used equipment for years. It was a natural fit, and Wyatt turned this into his project. Wyatt tends to specialize in fixing up trailers if he can. He says that he sees the highest demand for them, and they are generally the easiest to repair.
Direct download: Wyatt_Black_Episode_1658_-_22323_8.53_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Tue, 21 March 2023
OFI 1657: Are farmers really “hogging” water in places like the Desert Southwest or the Central Valley Of California?
I saw an article pop up on Bloomberg today with the title, “Farmers Can’t Keep Hogging the Water in Parched Southwest”. I was unable to read it because it is behind the paywall, and I do not have a subscription. However, this is a topic that I have thought a lot about.
Direct download: OFI_1657_Tuesday_Episode_-_32023_8.05_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Mon, 20 March 2023
OFI 1656: How To Build A Nationwide Horse Treat Business | FFA SAE Edition | Allie Koss | Arizona Agribusiness & Equine Center (AAEC PV) FFA Chapter
Allie Koss is the owner and creator of Happy's Horse Treats. She is also a sophomore in high school and the FFA Chapter Sentinel at the Arizona Agribusiness & Equine Center of Paradise Valley, Arizona, which is a charter school specializing in agriculture. All students at the AAEC are FFA members, but there are different levels of activity for each of them. Allie has grown up in the city, and her parents are not experienced in agriculture. However, at age 4 Allie said she wanted to take horseback riding lessons. Being wise parents, they did not just let Allie jump right into full blown lessons. For one year they took her to the Phoenix Zoo where she could get exposure to horses and some experience riding to gauge if her level of enthusiasm was genuine. It turned out that it was, and Allie has been riding horses ever since. One day, at the barn that she rides at, a veterinarian was floating the teeth of a horse and showed Allie how to do it. From this point she was hooked and knew she wanted to be a veterinarian. This led to conversations with older people at the barn and the discover of the AAEC. Ultimately, this led her to the agricultural charter school and the FFA. It also led to her experimenting with making horse treats, her friends telling her that she should start a business and eventually, the birth of Happy's Horse Treats. Today, Allie sells horse treats from coast to coast and plans on growing her business through the end of high school, but possibly until she begins veterinary school in several years.
Sun, 19 March 2023
For Information Like Degrees Offered, Annual Costs, Etc., Please Click The Banner Below:The Agricultural College Episode is designed to profile agricultural trade schools, junior colleges, colleges and universities around the U.S. This episode is an effort to replicate the conversation that prospective students, parents and ag teachers might have with agricultural schools at trade show like the National FFA Convention. Texas A&M Commerce is located in the small, Northeastern Texas town of Commerce, Texas and provides abundant opportunity for developing your future in agriculture. On today's episode, Dr. Randy Harp, the Dean of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, joins the show to talk all about Texas A&M Commerce. We hear a lot about the family feel of smaller enrollment colleges on the show. Dr. Harp does a great job of illustrating the benefits of this. More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: Texas_AM_Commerce_Episode_1655_-_11923_2.02_PM.mp3
Category:Agricultural Colleges -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sat, 18 March 2023
Tip Of The Week Consider smart combination locks Rural Crime In The U.S. Across The Pond, Down Under And Up Above Africa Chalk One Up For The Good Guys
Direct download: OFI_1654_Rural_Crime_-_31723_9.21_AM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 17 March 2023
OFI 1653: What Is An Ag Coach, And Why You Might Benefit From One | Kacee Bohle | Kacee Bohle Coaching
Kacee Bohle is a fourth generation farmer from Illinois, a career agriculturist and an Ag Coach. On today's episode we are going to focus in on her business of career coaching in agriculture. Kacee has two main customer bases - agriculture students and professionals moving into or out of agriculture. She deals with a lot of diverse situations in this business, but being an entrepreneur gives her the flexibility to do so and to adapt to each unique situation. Kacee's coaching is reflection of her own experiences. When she was graduating high school she did not really know where her future in agriculture resided, but she knew that it was in agriculture. She is the only one of her siblings interested in taking over the family farm, and she feels pressure to do so to keep the legacy alive. And, she has had multiple experiences in agricultural industry that make her uniquely qualified to help other people find their paths.
Direct download: Kacee_Bohle_Episode_1653_-_13023_12.05_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 16 March 2023
OFI 1652: How To Turn 20 Acres Into A House With Cattle | Special Coaching Session With Wendy From Ontario, Oregon | Re-Cap Episode
On tomorrow's ag business episode I talking with an agricultural career coach. This got me thinking of what episode to replay for you on today's episode, and it became clear. Our guest tomorrow specializes in helping people find their careers in agriculture. The other side to that same coin is how can you develop your farming and agricultural lifestyle at home. So, in today's re-cap episode I am going back to a special coaching session I did with Wendy from Ontario, Oregon about this very thing.
Direct download: OFI_1652_Replay_Of_318_-_31523_11.08_AM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Wed, 15 March 2023
OFI 1651: The Adrenaline Of The Show Ring | FFA SAE Edition | Preston Sechrest | East Davidson High School FFA
Preston Sechrest is a 2022 SAE Grant Recipient. He is also the treasurer of the East Davidson FFA Chapter in Thomasville, North Carolina, and he is going to use his grant money as well as money that he saved from working at a grocery store to purchase his first dairy heifer for showing. This all began for Preston during his 9th Grade year of high school. He was considering becoming a game warden in the future, he still is actually, so he took an animal science class as an elective. When his teacher, Mrs. Leonard, did a unit on introduction to the FFA, he thought he had been tricked. However, by the end of school year he had been hooked, and he was a full-fledged FFA member. His advisor encouraged Preston to go to a dairy cattle showing clinic to get introduced to this event. He went, and he took to it. People could not believe that he had never showed cattle before, and he got several offers to show for other people. He has done ten heifer shows for a neighboring farm since then, and this has sparked an interest that Preston believes he will have for the rest of his life!
Direct download: Preston_Sechrest_Episode_1651_-_21723_2.04_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Tue, 14 March 2023
Today I am breaking down an article that is talking about the new phenomena of "Bare Minimum Mondays". Here is the link if you'd like to read it yourself: More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1650_Tuesday_Episode_-_31323_5.41_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Mon, 13 March 2023
OFI 1649: Developing As An Agricultural Journalist | FFA SAE Edition | Taylor Lacek | RTR High School FFA
Taylor Lacek is the 2o22 Minnesota State Star Farmer and a second semester student at South Dakota State University studying Agriculture Business & Communications with a newly added minor in journalism. She has a passion for telling agriculture's story, and has her sights set on being a column writer in agriculture. Taylor's grandfather got the family involved in raising show cattle generations ago, and Taylor has continued that onward. Today, Taylor keeps abreast of the latest technology and methods in cattle breeding, employing embryo transfer and even looking into cloning to develop the genetics in her herd. Taylor taught me about a method of dealing with calves that are not getting going after birth during the interview called the "Madigan Squeeze". It was clear that she is constantly consuming information on the industry that she is passionate for, and it is this consumption that will turn her into a great purveyor of agricultural information.
Direct download: Taylor_Lacek_Episode_1649_-_21623_1.34_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sun, 12 March 2023
For Information Like Degrees Offered, Annual Costs, Etc., Please Click The Banner Below:The Agricultural College Episode is designed to profile agricultural trade schools, junior colleges, colleges and universities around the U.S. This episode is an effort to replicate the conversation that prospective students, parents and ag teachers might have with agricultural schools at trade show like the National FFA Convention. The Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College is located in Tifton, Georgia. Andrew Thoron is a professor and the Department Head o the Agricultural Education and Communications Department. Today Andrew joins us to talk all about ABAC At Tifton. More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: Andrew_Thoron_Episode_1648_-_11723_1.39_PM.mp3
Category:Agricultural Colleges -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sat, 11 March 2023
Tip Of The Week Pay yourself first? What about the government? (equity theft) Rural Crime In The U.S. Across The Pond, Down Under And Up Above Africa Chalk One Up For The Good Guys
More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1647_Rural_Crime_-_31023_11.12_AM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 10 March 2023
OFI 1646: Real Talk About Running Farms And Raising Families | Arlene Hunter & Caite Palmer | The Barnyard Language Podcast
Caite Palmer and Arlene Hunter are the hosts of "The Barnyard Language Podcast - "Real Talk About Running Farms and Raising Families". They are both farmers in different situations. Arlene and her husband are full-time dairy farmers in Canada with no off-farm jobs. Caite and her husband farm I was recently a guest on the Barnyard Language Podcast. I enjoyed the conversation so much and was so impressed with how these ladies went about their business, I invited them to be guests on Off-Farm Income as well. They tackle some tough issues on their show - everything from parenting to domestic violence in rural communities. They have a mission and a big vision of how they can inspire more farming podcasts that will help farmers. I love it, and am thrilled to have interviewed them and to feature them on the show today!
Direct download: Barnyard_Language_Podcast_Episode_1646_-_12723_2.36_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 9 March 2023
OFI 1645: Splitting up the farm, but not the family | Farm Succession Planning | Elaine Froese | Farm Family Coach | Re-Cap Episode
On tomorrow's ag business episode we are featuring a team of agricultural podcast hosts who deal with real world issues and the challenges of parenting on a farm. These two ladies found each other through a shared passion to help folks with these challenges. One of them lives north of the border in Canada. Their interview reminded me of the fantastic appearance that Elaine Froese had on the show discussing how to keep the family from splintering when farm transition and farm sale towards the end of a parent's career or life occurs. This is a great tie in with tomorrow's show as we feature two guests who deal with the challenge of family on the other end of the spectrum, when children are at their youngest.
Direct download: OFI_1645_Replay_Of_Elaine_Froese_-_3823_10.35_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Wed, 8 March 2023
OFI 1644: Starting A Business To Pay For Needed Equipment | FFA SAE Edition | Dane Haverkamp | Nemaha Central High School FFA
Dane Haverkamp is the owner of Triple H Custom Hay. He is also a junior in high school, his FFA chapter's vice-president and a family farmer with his parents on their ranch in Kansas. Dane likes all aspects of agriculture, but his families operation is almost exclusively raising registered Black Angus Cattle. Around Dane's 8th Grade year he told his folks he would like to get his own equipment for cutting, raking and baling hay on their farm rather than having it done by a custom business. However, his parents told him that the amount of work needed on their farm would not justify the purchase. So, Dane came up with the idea of starting a custom hay business of his own to justify the purchase, and made sense. Dane purchased his own baler, swather and later a rake to start the business. In exchange for the work he does on the farm, he uses his parent's tractors to operate the implements. Today, Dane operates Triple H Custom Hay and has a growing business that he plans to operate for years to come.
Direct download: Dane_Haverkamp_Episode_1644_-_21623_7.32_AM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Tue, 7 March 2023
I think our farm is at a point where I could just cruise if I wanted to. However, I keep looking at ways to improve, become more efficient and to become more profitable. What is that in me, and in all entrepreneurs? Does it ever go away?
Direct download: OFI_1643_Tuesday_Episode_-_3623_4.34_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Mon, 6 March 2023
OFI 1642: It Is Never Too Late To Do Something Great | FFA SAE Edition | Sydney Bruchhaus | Elton High School FFA
Sydney Bruchhaus is the Louisiana State FFA Secretary, the Louisiana State Star Farmer and a senior in high school. To hear that an FFA student has achieved both state office and won a state star award is incredible enough, but to hear that they did this while still in high school is extremely rare or maybe never heard of. However, that is not the last or maybe even the most amazing part of Sydney's story. Sydney spend the first two years of her FFA experience being quiet and shy. She took leadership roles and was a chapter officer, but she preferred to be the person who got things done in the background. However, at the beginning of her junior year of high school Sydney's FFA Advisor pushed her to participate in a public speaking contest. Sydney was nervous, which pushed her to practice, and she wound up taking second place in the entire state. That second place price lit a fire in Sydney, and from that point on she was doing whatever public speaking that she could. She developed her skills very rapidly and devoted all of her time to practicing. Within 9 months of that first contest it was time for the Louisiana State FFA Convention, and she had decided to pursue becoming a state officer, even though she had only served as a chapter officer and not an area or district officer. And then, she was selected at the same convention that she won star farmer. Sydney is living proof that it is never too late to do something great, and that you can accomplish things that other people think are impossible.
Direct download: Sydney_Bruchhaus_Episode_1642_-_2123_2.57_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sun, 5 March 2023
For Information Like Degrees Offered, Annual Costs, Etc., Please Click The Banner Below:The Agricultural College Episode is designed to profile agricultural trade schools, junior colleges, colleges and universities around the U.S. This episode is an effort to replicate the conversation that prospective students, parents and ag teachers might have with agricultural schools at trade show like the National FFA Convention. The University Of Arkansas is located in Fayetteville, Arkansas and is the home of the Dale Bumpers College Of Agriculture, Food And Life Sciences. Madison Estepp is the lead ambassador for Bumpers College, and she joins us on this episode to talk all about studying agriculture at the University Of Arkansas. More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: University_Of_Arkanas_Episode_1641_-_11223_2.57_PM.mp3
Category:Agricultural Colleges -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sat, 4 March 2023
Tip Of The Week Understand your state laws and your rights Rural Crime In The U.S. Across The Pond, Down Under And Up Above Africa Chalk One Up For The Good Guys More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1640_Rural_Crime_-_3323_3.04_PM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 3 March 2023
OFI 1639: Building An Agricultural Business Portfolio With Partnerships | Aaron Juergens | Juergens Think
Aaron Juergens is a very busy, very energetic, serial agricultural entrepreneur. He first appeared on the Off-Farm Income Podcast in 2015 when we discussed his business spreading hog manure in Iowa. He was busy then, but the scope of businesses he had was nothing compared to today! Since our first interview Aaron has sold the manure spreading businesses and become involved in multiple other enterprises. Looking at his Linkedin Page I count 7 other enterprises, six of which are still running today. On today's episode with Aaron we catch up on what has been going on in his life for the past 8 years, including getting married and having two kids. And we talk about partnerships, how to manage them and how he keeps all these different balls in the air!
Direct download: Aaron_Juergens_Episode_1639_-_12323_10.00_AM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 2 March 2023
Aaron Juergens was one of my first ever agricultural entrepreneur guests on the show. Since we first met in 2015 he has continued to expand and grow in his entrepreneurial pursuits. Tomorrow he is coming back on the show to update us all. For this week's re-cap episode I am revisiting our first interview from 2015 so you will have the perfect before and after picture.
Direct download: OFI_1638_Replay_of_Episode_40_-_3123_2.58_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Wed, 1 March 2023
OFI 1637: An Unbelievable Drive To Compete And....Succeed | FFA SAE Edition | Courtney Baker | Northern Potter FFA
Courtney Baker is a Pennsylvania State Proficiency Winner, a five sport athlete, a chapter officer and an FFA standout from Ulysses, Pennsylvania. Courtney graduated from Northern Potter High School in May of 2022, got married and moved to Alaska, all in a period of a few months. Now she is busy living on an Air Force base where her husband is serving and she is studying to become an elementary school teacher through Liberty University. Courtney is used to working on the family dairy, competing in one to two sports per semester, serving as an officer and becoming a state proficiency winner. Now, she is pouring that energy and drive into her future career, her marriage and activities on base when there is only 3 hours of partial daylight outside during the Fairbanks, Alaska winter. When Courtney finishes college and student teaching she plans to enter the elementary classroom with the goal of motivating and inspiring students the way her teacher did for her. She also wants to coach basketball. I can tell from her work ethic that she will do both to great effect.
Direct download: Courtney_Baker_Episode_1637_-_13123_3.24_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |