Fri, 28 July 2023
OFI 1786: Getting Over The “Hump” With Your Business | Kyle Stockdale | KY Vision Sharpening & Clipper Repair
Kyle Stockdale is a dairyman and entrepreneur from Ontario, Canada. He first appeared as a guest on the Off-Farm Income Podcast in 2021 when he was about three years into the development of his company, KY Vision Sharpening & Clipper Repair. Today, I am thrilled to have him back on the show for an update on his business as well as to learn about how he has advanced as an entrepreneur. It is always very exciting for me to welcome a previous guest back to the show, and in Kyle's case I learned a lot and couldn't be more proud of what he is doing.
Direct download: Kyle_Stockdale_Episode_1786_-_71123_5.11_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |