Off-Farm Income

Forrest Durham is one of the most memorable FFA entrepreneurs that I ever profiled on this show.  In just 12-16 weekends per year, during high school, he was making an very impressive income selling roasted corn at fairs and festivals.  Forrest has continued his entrepreneurial ways and now taken over his father's fudge business and his running both a mobile stand, brick and mortar location and mail order business.  I am having Forrest back on the show tomorrow to catch up with him and profile his continued entrepreneurial pursuits.  I thought playing his interview from back in 2016 would be a great tie in for tomorrow's show.


Direct download: OFI_1771_Replay_Of_084_Forrest_Durham_-_63023_3.35_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT