Off-Farm Income

It is said all the time that you should start farming, right where you are at, in whatever way that you can.  If you are in an apartment, grow some tomatoes in pots on your deck.  If you live in a neighborhood, raise some chickens and enjoy the eggs.  Don't wait to have 1,000 acres, start right now!

I believe in this adage, but I also understand the comparison that people might make to production agriculturists when they are doing something on such a small scale.  That is a reason that I am so eager to introduce you to this episode's guests.

Joanna and Brian Guza both grew up on production agriculture farms and have that as their background.  However, as a young couple growing their family they did not have the land to farm on a production agriculture scale.  They did not let that stop them.  They purchased their home on 2 acres, found a niche crop to grow and began farming and selling direct to consumer.  And, when this episode is released they will be in the middle of harvesting over 300 lbs of garlic that they will sell out of, almost immediately.

It's all about the farming folks, no matter what your situation is.  If you love it, do it.  Just take it from Brian and Joanna and their delicious garlic.

More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:



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