Off-Farm Income

Direct download: Thanksgiving_Proclamation_3_October_1789___Thanksgiving_Episode_2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MDT

On this day in 1936 Life Magazine released its first ever magazine.  The photo on the cover was of the spillway of the Fort Peck Dam in Fort Peck, Montana.  Some 58 years later I would find myself spending Thanksgiving on a ranch just 48 miles down the Missouri River from that historic spot, and I would find myself learning a lot about the realities of ranching and how agricultural binds communities together.

In today's episode we kick off Thanksgiving week, and I re-hash this experience with you.  It is amazing the things that stick with you and things that don't.  Let's remember some of them together in this episode!

Direct download: OFI_930_Tuesday_Edition_-_112320_4.13_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT


One of the greatest things about interview FFA students is hearing the “unbridled” enthusiasm that the students have for their projects, farming and agriculture.  In today’s interview I am interviewing an student who is the third generation of farmer on his families farm.

Conner Grant’s grandfather started their farm from scratch in the 1970’s.  Today this farming legacy has been built large enough that Conner hopes to return to it when he done with college and make this his full time career. 

In this episode we find out that the land that Conner is farming for himself, he is leasing from his grandparents.  I asked Conner the same question I ask any student who is leasing land from family, and I get the same answer.  It is amazing to me just how much wisdom there is in farm families across the board in the U.S. 

A funny surprise in this episode is just how good a voice that Conner has.  I joke with him about becoming an agricultural broadcaster.  I think after you listen, you will agree. 

Enjoy this interview with Conner Grant. 


HIGH SCHOOL: Taylorville High School; Taylorville, Illinois

MASCOT: Tornado

FFA ADVISOR: Sue Schafer


Click on the picture below to be taken to the Taylorville High School website:

Conner's FFA Advisors' Email Address: 

Taylorville High School's Telephone Number: 217-824-4951


National FFA Organization

Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE's)

Support FFA 

Donate to FFA - One way that FFA students are able to start small businesses is through an FFA grant of $1,000.  In 2014, 141 FFA students received these grants.  With your donations, more students can get this head start - pay it forward.


  • Only 2% of Americans grow and raise most of the food and livestock consumed by the other 98% as well as the rest of the world.  FFA is providing the needed education, training and resources to Americans that will carry that torch forward and insure that America continues to have inexpensive, quality food.
  • Rural Communities will rely on entrepreneurship in the future for population growth and job creation.  The FFA is a major catalyst to that entrepreneurial growth.
  • Farmers, ranchers and those working in agriculture give the rest of America incredible amounts of freedom because the search for food is as simple as going to the grocery store:

“The future of American agriculture depends on the involvement and investment in America’s youth, In order to prepare for the population of tomorrow, we need to encourage America’s youth today, and show that careers in agriculture are profitable, rewarding, and vital.”.U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue

Where Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald Can Be Heard:


Member Of The National Association Of Farm Broadcasters

Direct download: OFI_929_-_Conner_Grant_Audition_mixdown.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30pm MDT

Direct download: What_Does_A_Burglary_Of_Marijuana_Look_Like___Rural_Crime_Bonus_Episode.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MDT

Direct download: OFI_926__Why_You_Need_To_Start_Using_Social_Media.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MDT

Direct download: OFI_922__When_You_Want_To_Sell_The_Farm_And_Live_On_The_Beach.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MDT

Direct download: Dealing_With_Slow_And__No__Paying_Customers___Bonus_Episode.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MDT

Direct download: OFI_918__Innovating_Through_Difficulty_And_Self-Watering_Soil.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am MDT