Sat, 31 December 2022
OFI 1582: A Very Special New Year’s Guest | FFA SAE Edition | Hattie Brechwald | Kuna High School FFA
Hattie Brechwald is a chapter sentinel at Kuna High School, has just started her own herd of goats, is a district winner in two welding methods and is my daughter. Traditionally, Autumm, Hattie and I record a year end episode for New Years. However, this year Autumm is sick and is in no shape to be a guest on the show, so it is just Hattie and I. I have been waiting for Hattie to get far enough along in her FFA journey to be a guest on the show, so I can profile her FFA accomplishments for all of you. About three months ago I realized that she had reached that point. Since then, I have been looking for the right time. Well, it turns out that this year's New Years Episode is exactly the right time. I completely caught Hattie off guard with this. She was working this afternoon and then went to visit her grandparents. When she walked in the door, I told her that tonight was the night. So, her interview is totally extemporaneous. We literally recorded it about five minutes after she found that we would be featuring her. I think she knocked it out of the park, and I am proud she did so well with no time to prepare and no advantages just because her dad is the host!
Direct download: Hattie_Brechwald_Episode_1582_-_123022_9.58_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 30 December 2022
OFI 1581: Fighting Cattle Theft Since 1880 | Jana Earp | Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Jana Earp is the Advertising and Partnership Manager at Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association in Fort Worth, Texas. The TSCRA began as a conglomerate of ranchers in Texas that banded together to stop cattle rustling in 1880. Since the this group has evolved, officially becoming the TSCRA in 1921. It's mission also evolved and turned from being focused on catching cattle rustlers to helping people succeed not just in raising cattle but in all aspects of agriculture. This episode was originally going to be aired as a rural crime episode. However, it also evolved. The TSCRA does so much to help people from anywhere in the country to succeed in agriculture that this interview felt more like an ag business episode. So today, Jana will introduce the TSCRA to all of you and let you know exactly how this organization can help you succeed in agriculture.
Direct download: Jana_Earp_Episode_1581_-_12722_4.42_PM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 29 December 2022
OFI 1580: How To Find A Stolen Horse, Even Ten Years Later | Debi Metcalf | Founder Of Net Posse | Re-Cap Episode
Because of the holidays and the way they fell this year, I am not producing a rural crime episode this week. However, on tomorrow's ag business episode I am doing a show all about the Texas And Southwestern Rural Cattle Association, which I was introduced to through hosting this rural crime episode. So, for today's re-cap episode I thought it made sense to go back and revisit a rural crime interview that I had been able to do. This interview with Debi Metcalf of Net Posse made a lot of sense as there is significant overlap between what her organization does and what the TSCRA does. So, I'm bringing it back for you today.
Direct download: OFI_1580_Replay_Of_1030_-_122822_7.36_AM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Wed, 28 December 2022
OFI 1579: How To Sell Niche Crops In The Fall | FFA SAE Edition | Ty Steffen | Newark Community High School FFA
Ty Steffen is a 2022 National Proficiency Winner in the category of Diversified Crop Production. On his families property and on leased property in his hometown of Newark, Illinois he grows 4 acres of pumpkins, a 1/2 acre of broom corn and gourds as well as a large vegetable garden. Using honor system stands Ty markets his broom corn, gourds and pumpkins as decorative produce every fall. There is an interesting twist to Ty's story. During his 9th Grade year he noticed some city land adjacent to a park that was going unused. Ty actually went to a board meeting for his village and requested to lease that ground to farm on. That lease was approved, and he obtained two acres, right in town to grow his crops. Ty is interested in continuing his business and remaining an entrepreneur after high school and college. |
Tue, 27 December 2022
A quick farm update on a "kind of" week off between Christmas and New Years. This one has it all: goats, freezing rain and more.... More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1578_Tuesday_Episode_-_122622_6.20_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Mon, 26 December 2022
OFI 1577: A Business Removing Invasive Cedar Trees | FFA SAE Edition | Hanna Schmidt | Mulhall-Orlando High School FFA
Hanna Schmidt is a junior at Mullhall-Orlando High School and the secretary of her FFA Chapter. She also has a business removing invasive cedar trees from the pastures and fields of the people in her community. In today's episode Hanna explains that the research she has done has indicated that cedar trees rob a lot of soil moisture from the grasslands, and their removal can result in higher carrying capacities for the property owners that she serves.
Direct download: Hanna_Schmidt_Episode_1577_-_12622_4.18_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sat, 24 December 2022
Doland FFAAvery Miles - Chapter President of the Doland FFA Chapter in Doland, South Dakota Starting this year the Doland FFA Chapter decorated the town's park on Main Street for Christmas. The emphasis is on lights, but there is also a beautifully lit up FFA logo at the front of the display tying the community, Christmas and the local chapter all together. This project began with a $500 grant that was received from the South Dakota FFA Association, and it was quickly matched the Doland FFA Alumi Association. This is Avery's final year at Doland High School, but she believes that this will be come a tradition and will continue to grow in size and scope. Southern Guilford FFAHannah Barnes - Chapter President of the Southern Guilford FFA Chapter in Greensboro, North Carolina For the past four years the Southern Guilford FFA Chapter has been conducting a toy drive, beginning in mid-November, to collect toys for children in their community that can be given to them as gifts on Christmas Day. The effort is now split into a whole chapter drive and an additional drive involving the just the officer team. The chapter is partnered with the U.S. Marine Corps through their Toys For Tots program, and all of the toys are handed over to them for distribution. In this interview Hannah highlights one of her fellow chapter members that, in spite of the $5 spending limit, donated over $250 worth of toys to the event. The generosity of this student and the entire chapter is very heart warming. Raft River FFAJessi Knudsen - Vice President of the Raft River FFA Chapter in Malta, Idaho What began with a canned food drive has now grown into a full blown gift giving extravaganza for the community in and around Malta, Idaho. As the Raft River FFA Chapter has continued to give to their community during Christmas anonymous donors from the community have joined in, giving money to the cause so that more can be bought and the joy of the season can be spread to even more people. Sleepy Eye FFAAdam Johnson - Chapter President of the Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota The Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter participates in a backpack food program, and this year for Christmas they are putting together "Holiday Boxes" for folks needing some help in their community. They are making "tie blankets" as a chapter and giving those away in addition some food, an ornament and personal care items. Lumberton FFAKamryn McInnis - Chapter President of the Lumberton FFA Chapter in Lumberton, North Carolina "Share The Warmth" Project - the chapter used the proceeds from their poinsettia sale to purchase coats for kids identified by social services in their county. 52 coats were purchased and donated to children in the area.
Ripley FFARiley Knotts - Chapter Vice-President Of The Ripley FFA Chapter in Ripley, West Virginia Riley and his fellow chapters members are supporting the "Jackson County Hunting Heroes" program by butchering deer for the veterans who have gone out on the hunts and filled their tags. The Ripley FFA Chapter has been participating in this program for quite some time, and their involvement continues to develop. In this interview Riley talks about the veterans and holds in the high regard that they deserve.
Direct download: OFI_1576_2022_Christmas_Episode_-_121922_1.38_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 23 December 2022
Gracee Poorman has overcome a lot in her life, and dealing with the difficult challenges of overcoming obstacles is probably what attracts her to agriculture. She did not grow up in agriculture, but through a series of twists and turns she found herself working in a commercial hog barn. She also found many people skeptical about her ability to put in the work and be successful working in that environment, and that drove her to prove them wrong.....which she did! Today Gracee is married and living and working on the family farm that has been in her husband's family for two centuries. She is what I would describe as a serial entrepreneur. Gracee is running several businesses including photography, pressure washing, agricultural consulting and public speaking. She keeps herself very busy with different streams of revenue as well as working on her families farm. In this episode, we will get a glimpse into what drives her.
Direct download: Gracee_Poorman_Episode_1575_-_12122_3.18_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 22 December 2022
OFI 1574: The Entrepreneur’s Attribute | FFA SAE Edition | Dresen Ferschweiler | Gervais High School FFA | Re-Cap Episode
Dresen Ferschweiler is a really incredible entrepreneur and has what I call "The Entrepreneur's Attribute. She was first on the show in 2021 talking about how she recognized shortcomings in sheep halters and decided to do something about it, very early on in high school. I have since met her, her family and her fellow chapter members at the National FFA Convention. Dresen is the epitome of an entrepreneur, and she is a great compliment to the guest I have coming on the show tomorrow. So, Dresen's episode was perfect for today's re-cap show. |
Wed, 21 December 2022
OFI 1573: That Blue Jacket Hanging In The Closet | FFA SAE Edition | Blake Moore | West Rowan High School FFA
Blake Moore is a 2022 National Proficiency Finalist in the category of Agricultural Mechanics and Repair. Starting on his uncle's farm somewhere around 6th grade Blake quickly found his curiosity piqued when he was in the shop around the tractors, feed trucks and pickups. Soon, he was working on engines and demonstrating aptitude. 6th Grade was also the very first year of his school's middle school FFA chapter. Always seeing his father's blue jacket hanging in the closet, Blake knew he wanted one of those. So, he signed up for the FFA and became very active, only to have his activity level wane just a bit going into his 8th and 9th grade years. However, one of Blake's advisors saw what he was doing mechanically and how much talent he had there, and encouraged him to start filling out paperwork for a regional proficiency award. One thing led to another, and Blake just kept winning! This propelled him all the way to the big stage this year as a National Proficiency Finalist!
Direct download: Blake_Moore_Episode_1575_-_12122_3.00_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Tue, 20 December 2022
Hi everyone. We have a farm update for you today and some more weather talk. Yes, I love the weather and I love interesting weather. We seem to have that in abundance right now, and I talk all about it in today's Tuesday Episode.
Direct download: OFI_1572_Tuesday_Episode_-_121922_3.43_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Mon, 19 December 2022
OFI 1571: Perseverance Leads To A National Proficiency Award | FFA SAE Edition | Halle Miller | Norwayne High School FFA
Halle Miller is a 2022 National Proficiency Winner in the category of Small Animal Production & Care. She is also a junior at the University Of Akron in Ohio studying marketing and sales. Halle was previously a guest on the Off-Farm Income Podcast in 2021 on episode #1063 as she was preparing to graduate high school. At that point in time she was planning on becoming a nurse, but during that very spring her participation on the sales and marketing team through the FFA lit her fire for this industry, and she is pursuing this at college now. Thanks to a strong work ethic and dual credit classes Halle is already classified as a junior in college, despite this just being her third semester since graduating. During high school she was able to complete 46 college credits that she took with her to Akron. Today she is still operating her dog breeding business, Borders Of Eby Eden with help from her entire family. And of course, her overcoming a dog phobia that began at age 6 remains a large part of her story.
Direct download: Halle_Miller_Episode_1571_-_113022_1.48_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sat, 17 December 2022
Tip Of The Week Get involved and create a community Rural Crime In The U.S. Across The Pond, Down Under And Up Above Africa Chalk One Up For The Good Guys More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1570_Rural_Crime_-_121622_10.25_AM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 16 December 2022
OFI 1569: Continuing A Legacy Of Conservation | Lance Irving | Leopold Conservation Award Program Director
Lance Irving is the program director for the Leopold Conservation Award which is presented to one farmer in each of 25 participating states. The award comes after a farmer has been nominated for the conversation practices on their farm that are both financially sound and environmentally beneficial. The award is facilitated and presented by the Sand County Foundation, which is named after Aldo Leopold's watershed book titled "A Sand County Almanac" which was released in 1949. On today's episode Lance will speak with us about the award, the work of the Sand County Foundation, working for a foundation and his journey that led him into this position. We will also discuss trends that he is seeing in agriculture and the use of conversation practices and the philosophy of the Sand County Foundation on educating people about this way of farming.
Direct download: Lance_Irving_Episode_1569_-_113022_3.28_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 15 December 2022
OFI 1568: Painting Pictures Of Yesterday’s Agriculture And Preserving Rural Values | Author: Jerry Apps | Re-Cap Episode
On tomorrow's Ag Business Episode I am profiling the Leopold Conservation Award that is given out by the Sand County Foundation each year to one farmer in 25 states. The Sand County Foundation has a significant tie to Wisconsin and, of course, Aldo Leopold. Whenever I think of old time Wisconsin, I immediately thing of Jerry Apps and his great story telling ability. So, on today's re-cap episode I thought it would be great to revisit the second interview I ever did with Jerry.
Direct download: OFI_1568_Replay_Episode_-_121422_2.46_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Wed, 14 December 2022
OFI 1567: Doing The Dangerous Work And Succeeding | FFA SAE Edition | Arturo Madriz | Madera South High School FFA
Arturo Madriz is a 2022 National Proficiency Finalist in the category of Agricultural Mechanics and Repair. He is also a senior at Madera South High School in California, and has a big time job in his father's trucking company. Just this year Arturo started going out on his own to repair damaged or broken down semis from the families business. He has driven up to 3 hours to take care of a truck that was broke down on the side of the road. Madera sits right on California State Highway 99, which has more north/south truck traffic than any roadway, including interstates, in the United States. It is narrow and busy with vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed. Arturo had to replace two trailer tires on this roadway this summer. This is dangerous and stressful work. And, he doesn't just switch out wheels. He breaks the bead off of the damaged tire and re-seats a new tire on to the existing wheel. To further help the family business, which his father started years ago after emigrating from Mexico, Arturo is planning on going to a diesel mechanic program after high school. One of the biggest expenses the business has is paying for expert diesel mechanic work, and Arturo plans to learn what he needs so that they can reduce that expense.
Direct download: Arturo_Madriz_Episode_1567_-_111722_3.40_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Tue, 13 December 2022
The last piece of media I took in last night before bed was the weather report. My favorite meteorologist predicted that the rain we were receiving would turn to snow over night but that little to no accumulation would occur. She did give the caveat that if snow were to stick it would have to be from a very fast and heavy snowfall, which was very unlikely. The first thing I heard this morning was my wife on the telephone receiving a call notifying her that her school district was taking a snow day today because of the heavy snowfall over night and the horrible road conditions! I went outside to feed and found four inches of very wet and heavy snow. And for a weather dork like me, that is a very happy surprise!
Direct download: OFI_1566_Tuesday_episode_-_121222_3.39_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Mon, 12 December 2022
OFI 1565: On The Road To Becoming A Veterinarian | FFA SAE Edition | Willie Schoonover | Mulhall-Orlando High School FFA
Willie Schoonover is a junior at Mulhall-Orlando High School in Orlando, Oklahoma and he is the treasurer in their FFA Chapter. He is also the son of two veterinarians and moving quickly towards that same career pathway. Willie and his younger brother raise goats, cattle, pigs and sheep on their Oklahoma farm, and this is giving them great experience for their futures, as Willie told me that his brother is also interested in veterinary work. Willie currently has his sights set on Oklahoma State University in two years, after he graduates high school. However, he has a dream of doing veterinary work with buffalo in Montana, outside of Yellowstone National Park. Maybe he can be persuaded to seek his bachelor's degree in Bozeman and hang a blue Montana State University flag up as well.
Direct download: Willie_Schoonover_Episode_1565_-_111722_2.13_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sat, 10 December 2022
Tip Of The Week Learn what a reactionary gap is and how to maintain one. Rural Crime In The U.S. Are the folks in this audience more susceptible to being defrauded of money? Well.....Perhaps. Anytime that you have a goal that involves a lot of money, and it is difficult or next to impossible to figure out how you will obtain the money needed to reach the goal you become more susceptible to being scammed. Then you see a success story like this one and start thinking that the only way you will find success is by getting WAY OUTSIDE THE BOX like this young man did: So, in today's episode I want to take a minute to point out a scam that is currently underway. This is not necessarily a specifically rural crime, but if you are trying to find a way to create the capital needed to purchase your farm, you might stumble across these people while you are searching. Of course, they would be more than happy to take your money and disappear, even if you don't live in an urban environment and are not one of their traditional victims. I've said many times that in order to succeed in our entrepreneurial journeys we may need to leave agriculture to obtain something (expertise, training, money, etc.) and then bring it back to agriculture for the lifestyle that we are seeking. But this is not what I meant! Across The Pond, Down Under And Up Above Africa Chalk One Up For The Good Guys More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1564_Rural_Crime_-_12922_9.47_AM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 9 December 2022
OFI 1563: Sustaining A Transition To Entrepreneurship By Creating New Entrepreneurs | Jenn & Phil Tomkins | Rent The Chicken
Jenn & Phil Tomkins (Homestead Jenn & Phil) are the creators of "Rent The Chicken", an affiliate business that is helping farmers across the U.S. and Canada to create extra revenue and support their farming lifestyle. They are also helping prospective entrepreneurs to get experience running their own businesses and gain the courage to really go out on their own. Phil & Jenn are based in Western Pennsylvania, but they have affiliates spread far and wide. They are also growing knowledge about agriculture by creating an easy way for non-farmers to get exposure to raising their own chickens and collecting their own eggs. Jenn & Phil first appeared on the Off-Farm Income Podcast in 2015 on episode #30, and today they are back to update us on the growth of their business and how they have sustained their transition to being full-time entrepreneurs.
Direct download: Rent_The_Chicken_Episode_1563_-_112922_3.17_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 8 December 2022
OFI 1562: The New Mortgage Lifter? | Phil & Jenn Tompkins | Rent The Chicken | Affiliate Farm Business | Re-Cap Episode
On tomorrow's ag business episode I am catching up with Jenn and Phil Tompkins of "Rent The Chicken". They first appeared on the show in 2015 on episode #30. Their business is still going strong, and they are both full-time entrepreneurs in agriculture. For today's re-cap episode I wanted to provide you with their very appearance on the show.
Direct download: OFI_1562_Replay_Of_030_-_12722_8.02_AM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Wed, 7 December 2022
OFI 1561: Vision For A Better Pet Sitting App | FFA SAE Edition | Peyton Parks | Topsail High School FFA
Peyton Parks is a junior at Topsail High School in Hampstead, North Carolina. She is also a third year member in the Topsail FFA Chapter and she has an eye for entrepreneurship. Peyton has been riding and caring for horses for several years. She has been pet sitting for neighbors for about three years now, including people with horses, and she finds herself very attracted to entrepreneurship. This has led Peyton to make efforts to grow her business through postings on neighborhood apps that she knows people in her community use. She has found ways to make her self standout on those apps, and she is seeing results in calls for service. In her free time Peyton has her business on her mind, and this has led her to explore many of the different pet sitting apps that already exist. Peyton believes that she can build a better pet sitting app, and she outlines what she believes should be part of the app in this episode.
Direct download: Peyton_Parks_Episode_1561_-_111622_3.26_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Tue, 6 December 2022
It is that time of year when we have successfully raised a calf crop to finishing weights and deliver them to the butcher. However, the timing of this trip factoring in the weather and traffic is always an interesting part of our story. And of course, it can be a little bit bitter-sweet to have these livestock that we have known for so long fulfill their life purpose. However, it is ultimately a very good day. More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1560_Tuesday_Episode_-_12522_3.56_PM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Mon, 5 December 2022
OFI 1559: A Chapter-Wide Effort = A National Proficiency Finalist | FFA SAE Edition | Levi Smuin | Rigby High School FFA
Levi Smuin is a 2022 National Proficiency Finalist in the category of Ag Mechanics Repair & Maintenance, and is also from my home state of Idaho! Levi began his journey in the FFA during his sophomore year in high school. About one year prior to that he had started working for Rounds Farms & Trucking in Rigby, Idaho. This has led to a progression of responsibility on the farm and in the trucking business, and it was a natural fit for his placement SAE. During our interview Levi talked about how important writing the narratives on his proficiency applications were. When I asked him more about that he talked about the method he used, which was a peer review type method with his fellow FFA students. He would write something, and then he would have his writing assessed by his classmates. When they finished preparing the narrative his advisors would look it over and possibly make suggestions. Then the process would start over again. I really liked this approach, as you can see that every member in that chapter has a little part in Levi becoming a National Proficiency Finalist!
Direct download: Levi_Smuin_Episode_1559_-_111522_1.32_PM.mp3
Category:FFA -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Sat, 3 December 2022
Tip Of The Week Getting physically involved is a rational choice decision too Rural Crime In The U.S. Across The Pond, Down Under And Up Above Africa Chalk One Up For The Good Guys More Places You Can Listen to Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald:
Direct download: OFI_1558_Rural_Crime_-_12122_7.12_PM.mp3
Category:rural crime -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Fri, 2 December 2022
Nick Tsiolis is the founder of Farmer's Keeper, a grain merchandising company in Chicago. Nick and his team provide grain merchandising advice and assistance to farmers of all sizes, and they are especially helpful to those farmers on the bubble who are thinking about marketing some or all of their grain in the futures markets. I like to say that I can podcast about agriculture because I know a little about a lot. However, futures and the marketing of grain has always been a blind spot for me, so I was eager to speak with Nick and to learn more about how this is done.
Direct download: Nick_Tsiolis_Episode_1557_-_111622_6.19_AM.mp3
Category:farming -- posted at: 12:30am MDT |
Thu, 1 December 2022
OFI 1556: How To Run A Beef Stocker Operation….And Much More | FFA SAE Edition | Jake Fanning | Laverne High School FFA | Re-Cap Episode
On tomorrow's show we are getting an education on grain marketing. The first thing I thought of when considering a re-cap episode was this interview with Jake Fanning. He was well ahead of his age when it came to hedging through the commodities market, and today I want to bring this back to you. |